Request for Club Members assistance at Race One of our Summer Series

The first race is just over three weeks away.  Whist we encourage members to enter and race, the event can’t take place without marshals. It’s a great help to the organisers if we can arrange this well in advance. Details of marshal points are below:-

If you can help with marshalling please E-Mail:- Dave Graham

On night administration

The taking of race entrants and number hand-out has to be completed before the races can start.   Due to the main car-park being refurbished the registration point will on a grass area top left of the main car-park.  It is possible to help with registration  and still race. 

Admin and finish recorders provisional list list:  Funnel Positiions 2017 Race Six

If you can help with admin (opens 6:15pm) please contact

Leading Prize Contenders after race four  2017 Prize Contenders.r4v2ls

Car Park Charges at Upton

Summer Weekday costs 

The new charges are 80p for one hour or £1.50 for two

  • Can be potentially reduced by  pre-registering and not having to queue to pay each night.
  • Alternatively meet at Broadstone and run to Upton a warm-up. Return to Broadstone for a shower and food.

The Club will pay the car-parking costs of “bona-fide” marshals and other helpers.