The Club’s AGM will be held on Wednesday 27th February 2019 at The Junction Leisure Centre, Broadstone, commencing at 9pm.
All members are invited and encouraged to attend.
A full AGM agenda will be published prior to the day but will follow the general outline as below:
- 2018 reports from Club Officers: Chairman, Treasurer etc.
- Vote on any proposals (together with seconder) that have been registered in writing to Sarah Swift, Club Secretary, via email:
Deadline for submission of any proposals to above email by 13th FebruaryNo proposals will be taken after this date or on the night at this formal part of the AGM
- Vote for members of the new committee. All first claim over 18 years old paid up members, may stand for the committee. (Existing committee members must resign but may re-stand)
All members are encouraged to consider joining the committee to bring fresh ideas and suggestions regarding the clubs continuation and development.
A form on which prospective 2019 committee members can place their names will be available at Wednesday club night runs on 6th, 13th & 20th February, alternatively you can email your name & that of your seconder to: no later than 20th February 2019.
There is no limit to the number of names that can be added to the list or the number who may apply for a particular post. Therefore, it may be necessary to have a vote at the AGM for the new committee positions.
Poole Runners Committee:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Membership Secretary
- Track & Field Secretary
- PFoR Chairperson – James Skipworth (Co-opted to Main Committee)
- Male Team Captain
- Female Team CaptainUnder 18’s Working Group Chairperson – (Co-opted to Main Committee)
- General Committee Members
When placing your name on the nomination list you will also need a proposer & seconder. Please also state which committee post you wish to apply for.
Note: Printed copies of a summary of the clubs accounts for 2018 will not be available at the AGM, but if you would like a copy please email Peter Ferenczy (Treasurer) no later than 13th Feb. email: