Wednesday the 10th August sees the last of the six races in the 2016 Summer Series. Thank you to all competitors for making it a great success.
- The Junior Prize Presentations will take place in front of Upton House immediately after the race is completed.
- Senior prizes will be presented at the Junction Sports Centre, Station Road Broadstone, commencing approx. 8.40. Free showers available and food and drinks for purchase in the bar area. We would encourage all competitors to attend the prize giving to celebrate the series and to support their fellow runners.
All full set of photos will be taken of prize winners and available to download on
Please note, many prize winners are, as yet, undecided as a lot of categories have come down to those who complete in this last exciting race!. Any ties will be decided on position in the last race of the series.
New Entries will be taken on race night.
Junior Race Starts at 18:45, (1 mile Approx.)) £1.00 under 14
Seniors Race Starts at 19:15 seniors (3.5 Miles Approx.) £2 all races for EA registered runners: £4 for Non EA runners’.