Race Instructions for the Upton Summer Series Seniors (14 years plus) Race
Thank you for you entry
Just to confirm the race date are:-
Race 1- 3/5/2023 Race 2- 31/5/202 Race 3- 21/6/2023 Race 4 –12/7/2023 Race 5- 26/7/2023 Race 6- 09/8/2023
All Senior Races start at 7:15pm
Full and detailed instructions can be found by clicking the two boxes below. However the important points are:-
- Race numbers can be picked up at race one (3rd May) from a table on the lower grass area in front of Upton House. They will be available from 6:00pm onwards,
- Alternatively and to avoid queuing they can be collected from “The Junction” Sports Centre, Broadstone on Wednesday 19th and 26th April between 6:00 and 8:00pm. For all Seniors this is the preferred option.
- The race number contains your timing chip ! It yours for the series. PLEASE KEEP IT SAFE !
- As UKA event with a team competition Club vests should be worn.