The Club’s AGM will be held on Wednesday 22nd February 2017 at The Junction, Broadstone, commencing at 9pm.  

All members are invited to attend to have your say about YOUR club. 

A full AGM agenda will be published prior to the day but will follow the general outline as below:

1. 2016 reports from Club Officers: Chairman, Treasurer etc.

2. Vote on any proposals (together with seconder) that have been registered in writing to the Club Secretary via email:

Including approval of revised Club Constitution – (copy emailed to all Senior members 22nd Jan)

Deadline for submission of any proposals or queries re new Club Constitution to above email by 9th Feb.

No proposals will be taken after this date or on the night at this formal part of the AGM.

3. Vote for members of the new committee.  All first claim over 18 years old paid up members, may stand for the committee. (Existing committee members must resign but may re-stand)

All members are encouraged to consider joining the committee to bring fresh ideas and suggestions regarding the club’s future development.

A form on which prospective 2017 committee members can place their names will be on the Club noticeboard at club night on the following Wednesdays,  1st, 8th & 15th  February. There is no limit to the number of names that can be added to the list or the number who may apply for a particular post.  Therefore it may be necessary to have a vote at the AGM for the new committee positions.

After the formal AGM, we hope to have an “open discussion” from the floor to give the new committee some idea of the direction of the Club members want and any changes or new introductions for the year ahead.