Wessex League XC Race One: Canford
October 6, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Wessex Cross Country League is an inter-club league supported by Team Dorset whose aim is to provide competition between its member clubs and to promote Cross Country running in general.
The League will consist of four fixtures usually held between September and December each winter season, but any September fixture shall be staged as if it were in the following Competition Year commencing 1st October.
The League is open to all First and Second Claim members of the member clubs. You need to be EA registered & a club vest is required. All Second Claim runners must be declared as such prior to their first appearance in the league in each season.
Venue: Learoyd Road, Canford Heath. Race is a “Off Road Club championship race.”
Website https://www.dorsetathletics.org/cross-country