
    Why did you choose Poole Runners to be your running/athletics club? (Tick all that apply)
    CostLocation/Session TimesBeginners programme (Eg Couch / Plod)Friendly team membersAbility of other athletesCoaches/Leaders at clubFriends/family who were already members

    What do you want from your running club overall? (Tick all that apply)
    Coaching eg Form/TechniqueSupport/Mentoring/EncouragementSocial AspectsGeneral health and Fitness BenefitsSessions I can attend to run with othersA structured racing program (e.g. club champs)

    What sessions do you attend? (Tick all that apply)
    Mon – PlodAny track/field option offeredTues – Speed IntervalsWed – Club NightCurrently None

    Do you know who to go to for support with your running?

    Our club is run entirely by volunteers - Do you think you could help the club with some key volunteering roles in future? (Tick all that apply)
    Chief MarshallingRace Directing club eventsOrganizing social/run eventsCoaching (Juniors / Seniors)Officiating: timekeeping, track and fieldAdmin, website and ITOther: Please state