Poole Runners Membership Renewal 2024
To renew your membership, including existing 100 Club members, for the membership year 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025, please complete a membership form using the online form no later than 31st March 2024.
Payment Option:
Once you have submitted your membership renewal form, please pay using one the following options:
- BACS Transfer – please use your Initials and Surname as reference:
Bank Account: 21837125
Sort Code: 40-13-07
Account Name: Poole Runners - Online payment ( + £1 to cover the online processing fees): https://poolerunningevents.co.uk/events/poole-runners-membership-fees
NOTE: Online payment cannot be used for Family Membership and ‘100 Club’ - If you are a using the ‘100 Club’ membership option, then please create a standing order of £4 on the first of every month (to the account details above). If you have this set up already then there is no need to change.