Track Training – Middle/Long Distance
March 26, 2020 @ 6:45 pm - 8:00 pm
Runners meet at Ashdown Leisure Centre and book in at the track-side hub*.
Warm up around the track and then do your drills routine or join in with the main group for a communal warm-up and drills phase before the session is announced.
All sessions are made flexible to accommodate the needs of new runners and experienced marathoners/track athletes alike. The coaching team are always happy to discuss how they can support the needs of individual athletes.
Be aware that in some cases the sessions may have longer recoveries than advertised, to help keep the group together if needed**; however, experienced runners or those with specific targets will be invited to keep bespoke timings as their condition and ability develops (regardless of speed!).
Main Session
3 sets of:
- 1200m (2 mins)
- 800m (90s)
- 400m (60s)
all at threshold effort
Marathon training
Main session
Middle Distance (Speed) Session
- 800m (2 mins) @ 1500m pace
- 400m (90s) @ 800m pace
- 200m (60s) @ 400m pace
* A £2 track fee applies
** If you’re setting your GPS watch up for the session, it’s advisable to use ‘on button press’ for laps. Running around the track isn’t a ‘GPS watch’ friendly activity and will usually indicate you’ve run further than you have, skewing your pace and distance records.