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The Poole Runners Summer Series of time trials are simple turn up race and go events.  The races are open to all standards. You don’t have to be a member of a running club. The routes are traffic free paths starting and finishing in front of Upton House.    This is the final race of the 2017  six race series.

New Runners: –   Simply complete a registration form on the night and pay £2. Non EA registered runners will need pay an additional one-off £2 EA registration fee..

Returning runners:  If you have a number from a past 2018 race just pay £2 and race using the same number. No need to fill out any forms. 

Junior race: Starts at 18:45, (1 mile Approx.)) £1.00  Over 4 and Under  14 on 02/05/18

Seniors race: Starts at 19:15 (3.5 Miles Approx.)


(You must have completed a minimum of four races to be considered for a prize )

Junior race:    Category awards  for the  junior race series  will as soon as  possible after race finish. It will  be held in front of Upton House

Seniors race     Category awards  for the  seniors  series will be held at the “The Junction” Broadstone.   Food and  drink will be available.  All are welcome to attend.  



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